Join us
Swimmers how to Join
Places will be offered to children on the waiting list as soon as they become available.
To register please email with name, date of birth, home address, contact telephone numbers and a brief description of swimming experience and any special requirements with the subject box clearly marked with 'BBSC Membership' to
Following receipt and processing of your application your child will normally be invited to attend a short assessment to confirm their level of competency with a view to allocating the most appropriate session when a place becomes available.
Our Training Facility
Brechin Community Campus
Duke Street
Get Involved - Volunteers
We are always on the lookout for extra help. Whether you can spare an hour a week or an hour a day, your time will really make a difference.
There are many different roles to suit your skills, from teaching, coaching or officiating to designing the website, fundraising or ordering kit for the club.